CashTracker Account

The software is designed to facilitate the financial management processes of small businesses. With Cash Tracker Accounts, any small business can generate the Profit and Loss statement, Trial Balance as well as Balance Sheet with ease.


Income AND expenditure

This module helps to record incomes and expenses of the organization.

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Journal Single Entries

This module is used to record movement in asset accounts.

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This module is used to record balances from the previous accounting year.

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Credit Purchases

This module is used to record transactions of goods and services bought on credit from a supplier.

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This module is used to record payments of goods and services that have been recorded in the Credit Purchases module.

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cash purchases

This module records transactions of goods and services paid for in cash or cheque.

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chart of accounts

This module helps to setup all the various accounts that the organisation has such as assets, liability and equity, income and expenditure.

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This module ensures that the data is safe and can be restored in the event of a disaster.

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It has high security on the basis that only authorized users created by the Administrator can access the system.

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up to date information

Records are automatically updated as well as account balances.

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Cost savings

The system helps to reduce the time spent doing accounts and reduce audit expenses as records are accurate, neat and up to date.

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The system provides an efficient use of resources and time as cash flows improves better debt collection and inventory control.

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